Multicriteria Analysis
This tutorial will cover following objectives
- To understand Concept of Multi-criteria analysis using spatial analysis tools of QGIS.
Software: QGIS 2.0.1
Level: Advance
Time required: 3 Hour
Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills
- QGIS should be installed on the computer
- Basic knowledge about the QGIS interface
- Should have completed Exercise all the exercises related to QGIS from IGET
Interpolation Techniques
This tutorial will cover following objectives
- To understand Concept of Multi-criteria analysis using spatial analysis tools of QGIS
Software: QGIS
Level: Advance
Time required: 2 Hour
Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills
- QGIS should be installed on the computer
- Basic knowledge about the QGIS interface
- Should have completed Exercise all the exercises related to QGIS from IGET
Watershed Delineation
This tutorial will cover following objectives
- To understand basics of hydrological analysis and to delineate watershed basin using DEM data
Software: SAGA GIS
Level: Intermediate
Time required: 1 Hour
Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills
- SAGA GIS should be installed on the computer
- Basic knowledge about the SAGA interface
- Should have completed Exercise ID: IGET_RS_001 before starting this tutorial
Calculating Brightness temperature using Landsat-8
- This tutorial will cover following objectives
- To create a brightness temperate map of the Dangs district in Gujarat using Landsat-8 thermal bands.
Software: SAGA GIS
Level: Beginner
Time required: 1 Hour
Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills
- SAGA GIS should be installed on the computer
- All The basic GIS and Remote Sensing tutosrial from IGET portal must be completed
- Should have completed Exercise ID: IGET_CT_003