Introduction to SAGA


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To getting familiar with SAGA interface, view and explore raster data in SAGA.

Software: SAGA GIS

Level: Beginner

Time required: 3 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

Understanding an Image


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To get familiar with the projection and reprojection of vector and raster data sets by using Quantum GIS

Software: SAGA GIS

Level: Beginner

Time required: 1 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  •  SAGA GIS should be installed on the computer
  • Basic knowledge about the SAGA interface
  • Should have completed Exercise ID: IGET_RS_001

Visual Interpretation of Images by Using Saga


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To identify features and extract the useful information from the remotely sensed images based on the visual interpretation techniques.

Software: Quantum GIS

Level: Beginner

Time required:2 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • Quantum GIS should be installed on the computer
  • Basic knowledge about the QGIS interface
  • Should have completed Exercise ID: IGET_QGIS_001 before starting this tutorials

Georeferencing a Toposheet using SAGA


  • This tutorial will cover following objectives
  • To georeference a toposheet by using graticule ticks/intersections in a known coordinate system and datum by using SAGA GIS

Software: SAGA GIS

Level: Beginner

Time required: 2 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • SAGA should be installed on the computer
  • Familiarity with the SAGA interface
  • Student must have completed exercise IGET_RS_001 

Mosaicking and Subsetting Images using SAGA


  • This tutorial will cover following objectives
  • To mosaic two satellite images and then subset it using SAGA.

Software: SAGA GIS

Level: Beginner

Time required: 3 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • Quantum GIS should be installed on the computer
  • Basic knowledge about the QGIS interface
  • Should have completed Exercise ID: IGET_GIS_001 and IGET_GIS_003

Introduction to Filters Using Saga


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To learn about the construction and use of image filters.

Software: SAGA

Level: Intermediate

Time required:3 Hours

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • SAGA should be installed on the computer.
  • Student must have completed exercise IGET_GIS_001.
  • Familiarity with basic operations in SAGA is preferable. 

Unsupervised Classification using SAGA


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To create a land use and land cover map of a region by the unsupervised classification method using SAGA.

Software: SAGA GIS, Spread Sheet software (MS Excel)

Level: Intermediate

Time required: 3 Hours

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • SAGA should be installed on the computer
  • Student must have completed the exercises IGET_RS_001, IGET_RS_002 and IGET_RS_003. 

Supervised Classification using SAGA


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To create a land use and land cover map of a region by the Supervised classification method using SAGA.

Software: SAGA GIS

Level: Intermediate

Time required: 3 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • SAGA should be installed on the computer.
  • Student must have completed exercise IGET_RS_001, IGET_RS_002, IGET_RS_003, and IGET_RS_007. 

Terrain Analysis using QGIS and SAGA


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To analyze the topography of a region with respect to its slope, aspect and curvature etc., using a Digital Elevation Model.

Software: SAGA GIS and Quantum GIS

Level: Intermediate

Time required: 3 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • SAGA and QGIS should be installed on the computer.
  • Familiarity with basic operations in SAGA and QGIS is preferable.
  • An internet connection to fetch ‘Profile Tool’ plugin. 

Change Detection using SAGA


This tutorial will cover following objectives

  • To detect and analyze the changes in land use and land cover of a region using post classified images from different time periods.

Software: SAGA

Level: Intermediate

Time required: 3 Hour

Prerequisites and Geospatial Skills

  • SAGA should be installed on the computer.
  • Student must have completed exercise IGET_GIS_001, IGET_RS_007 and IGET_RS_008.
  • Familiarity with basic operations in SAGA is preferable.